
2 Jun 2019

How to use different types of co-ordinate systems in AutoCAD

There are three types of coordinate systems in AutoCAD and they are explained as follows:

1. Absolute coordinate system: 


1.      Open AutoCAD software and open a new drawing
2.      Set the limits and units
3.      Type at command window and press enter __|
4.     Specify the first point: type 0,0 at command prompt and press enter __|
5.     Specify the next point: Specify the next point at 0,100 and press enter __|
6.     Specify the next point: Specify the next point at 200,100 and press enter __|
7.     Specify the next point: Specify the next point at 200,200 and press enter __|
8.     Specify the next point: Specify the next point at 350,300 and press enter __|
9.     Specify the next point: Specify the next point at 500,300 and press enter __|
10. Specify the next point: Specify the next point at 500,0 and press enter __|
11. Specify the next point or close: Specify the close option or specify the next point at 0,0 and press enter __|
12. Select Circle command or C __|
13. Specify the center point: Specify the center point at 350,200 press enter __|
14. Specify the radius or diameter for the circle: type 50 as radius for circle at command prompt and press __|
15. Save the drawing with proper file. 

2. Relative coordinate system: 


1.      Open AutoCAD software and open a new drawing
2.      Set the limits and units
3.      Type at command window and press enter __|
4.     Specify the first point: type 0,0 at command prompt and press enter __|
5.     Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @400,0 and press enter __|
6.     Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @0,100 and press enter __|
7.     Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @-100,0 and press enter __|
8.     Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @100,100 and press enter __|
9.     Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @0,200 and press enter __|
10. Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @-100,0 and press enter __|
11. Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @-100,-100 and press enter __|
12. Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @-100,100 and press enter __|
13. Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @-100,0 and press enter __|
14. Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @0,-200 and press enter __|
15. Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @-100,-100 and press enter __|
16. Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @-100,0 and press enter __|
17. Specify the next point or close: Select the close option or specify the next point at @0,-100 and press enter key.
 18.  Save the drawing with proper file. 

3. Polar coordinate system:


1.      Open AutoCAD software and open a new drawing
2.      Type L at command window and press enter __|
3.     Specify the first point: Click anywhere in the drawing area.
4.     Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @500<135 and press enter __|
5.     Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @500<45 and press enter __|
6.     Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @500<135 and press enter __|
7.     Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @500<45 and press enter __|
8.     Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @500<-45 and press enter __|
9.     Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @500<45 and press enter __|
10. Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @500<-45 and press enter __|
11. Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @500<225 and press enter __|
12. Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @500<-45 and press enter __|
13. Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @500<225 and press enter __|
14. Specify the next point: Specify the next point at @500<135 and press enter __|
15. Specify the next point or cloase: Select the close option and save the drawing.

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